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men's fellowship

Be the man you are called to be

Hillside Christian is committed to the discipleship of men

The Men’s Ministry has been established as a force to disciple men, who in turn will disciple other men, thus multiplying the message beyond what one man can do. Hillside offers an environment where men of all ages can get together and feel comfortable to share their experiences, learn from each other, develop lasting relationships and apply biblical principles as we strive to lead in our homes, workplaces and church.


Being a man of God can be challenging, regardless of our stage of life. By actively engaging with Men's Ministry, we can raise the standard and transform our lives and our community.



Begin with a lite breakfast & fellowship, followed by a short devotional. We then break into small groups to discuss the devotional and encourage on another.


When & Where:

Last Saturday of every month.

8am to 11am


Hillside Church 

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